Junior year of high school I became friends with a guy who did the video production for the Giants. His Grandfather has worked for them for years and when he graduated he somehow got the job. It was his job to go to the stadium, watch the games in the productions booth and then transfer the players at bats to a specific tape for each one. That way Bonds could go to him and see all of his AB's to check his mechanics. He knew all the players and used to get us free tickets all the time. One of his friends was the head bartender in the Stadium Club, so it was free tickets, free food and free drinks for about 4 years. Then he quit for some reason and it all went away.

Anyway, when they re-arranged all the seats at Candlestick they had a bunch left over and he got it for me. His grandfather actually got a huge row and has them bolted to the ground in his backyard which over looks south city.