official Event Gallery
Just returned about an hour ago from the event and staying at the home of Paul Kadwill (London49ers) yesterday.
My initial response is disappointment

Perhaps my expectations were too high but reviews from earlier meetings in Dublin and Manchester featured a lot of fan/player interaction and autograph signings. In Birmingham we were seated in an auditorium with players
on the stage and the fron row reserved for the Birmingham Lions (which I belive were the junior champions in the UK?!).
Event started on time with a joint presentation after which every player were "given the stage" individually explaining techniques, tactics etc. After each player had the session the had a 5 minute Q&A with the audience. Ramon Foster from the Steelers began, followed by Kevin Willims and Uche Nwaneri. Then Donte came on but by now apparently the schedule had slipped so he did not have a Q&A with the audience as the ONLY player because the big draw, Jared Allen, was handed the spotlight and he got his time and Q&A. In between the players sessions there was a head-to-head matchup of "finish the sentence" the final being between Whitner and Allen with Jared Allen winning by the most cheers from the crowd. Ultimately the players left the stage with a brief goodbye with the host reminding them of the 2-hour drive back to London and then security made sure you couldn't go near them

The event was funny and educational but far from what "was promised" from previous reviews and I left very disappointed

I'll sort out my pictures and movie clips and hope to have the "finish the sentence sequences" up by next weekend as I am leaving for Germany shortly and will be back next Thursday.