Hey all...
Will try and post in here, and hope more people see this, so they can help out APJ...
Well and me also.. Couse im from denmark.. I have never been in the US, but im going in november.
3weeks.. And 1week will be spend in SF.. And i have secured my ticket for 49'ers vs Vikings game.

But like APJ, i would like to hear, where its best to go out having a drink or 10.

Also would like to hear, where its the best to watch some monday night football???
Im staying at the Ramada Plaza Downtown hotel
Edit: Uhh can see this is actually my first post ever here... So an introduction would be good..

My name is Carsten
Age: 29
Living in Aarhus , Denmark (2nd largest city aprox 250.000 citizen)
Been 49'ers fan since 86,87 i think..
Could not see it on danish telly before mid 90th
Sadly they havent showed much because of the bad results, but i hope we will
be back on top shortly ...

Im a electronic technician..
In freetime watching soccer with friends, or gamble with sports betting and poker.