Author Topic: Advice for a non-local season ticket holder?  (Read 15249 times)

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Offline Sandeep

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Advice for a non-local season ticket holder?
« on: January 13, 2006, 09:55:05 PM »
Hey fellow Niners fans- I'm a lifelong 49ers fan, and just recently bought a pair of season tickets (I can't explain how excited I was when I bought them!). The only problem is...I live in San Diego. Now, I did put some thought into this, and my general plan right now is to fly up on game days into Oakland, rent a car, drive to the game, and fly back that night. Southwest tickets are pretty cheap in advance, and rental cars aren't too bad either. A one-day trip like that isn't all that bad for me; often times I take one-day trips to San Jose for work, so I'm used to it. For games that I can't make it to I'm planning on selling the tickets.

The main reason that I'm posting, however, is just to see whether anyone else here has done/or is currently doing something like this? Any advice?

Offline cervant

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Re: Advice for a non-local season ticket holder?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2006, 10:10:28 PM »

I split my season tickets with a buddy of mine. THis year he decided to sell his house here & move to Phoenix. He flies in on game days (to San Jose) where I pick him up & drop him off after.

So yes, it can be done.

Flying to Oakland will cut your drive time in half as compared to flying in to SJ, but you could also fly in to SFO, and the Stick is only about 4-5 exits up the freeway from there. Sadly, there's no mass transit connection.

PM me if you like & I can offfer advice on where to park that is (a) free and (b) easier to get in & out.
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Offline Sandeep

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Re: Advice for a non-local season ticket holder?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2006, 10:41:44 AM »
Thanks for the info Cervant. The main reason that I plan on flying into Oakland is just because Southwest flies there (and not SFO), which is the cheapest way to fly. San Jose is also a possibility, just because I have friends in SJ and probably will be going to some of the games with them. I also looked into mass transit from Oakland, and unless there's a bus that goes directly to Candlestick from the airport, it seems that the only way is to take a bus from the airport to BART, take BART across the bay, and then take another bus from a BART station to the 'Stick. What a pain!

Offline Bryan_Admin

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Re: Advice for a non-local season ticket holder?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2006, 02:24:12 PM »
The one game I went to I flew from Palm Springs to SFO and was able to catch a shuttle which was affordable to stick and back... so that is also a possibility
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